
Born April 3, 1993

Currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY

Solo Exhibitions


- Forthcoming

Group Exhibitions


-  Grayscale Wonderland, BG Gallery, San francisco, CA, January 21th 

- Of Women, Rockaway Artist Alliance, Studio 7 Gallery, Fort Tilden, March 11


- Harvested Fresh Art Vol. 2, Jadite Gallery, New York, NY, March 25

- Influence: Women in Art, The Set NYC, New York, NY, July 22

- Seeking Space 2017, Beyond Studios, Brooklyn, NY, September 22- 25

- Planet X, The NYC Grind, Ridgewood, NY, October 7th

- TRUTH, BRIC Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, November 15th


- Spectrum Miami Art Show - Miami, Fl - Nov. 30 - Dec. 4


- People's Choice Show, Greenpoint Gallery, Brooklyn, NY


Queens College - BA Studio Art (Painting) / Geology

Artist Statement

I am Angelik…As an artist I am constantly seeking a greater understanding of the self and my identity as a human form, and the universe. As a multi-medium artist, my intention is shedding light on my areas of interest to spectators who might not know the origins and contemporary forms of Body Art and how it relates to my metaphysical beliefs. I aim to inspire others to explore their self and identity and develop self enlightenment. I would like to embody and express figuratively and representationally the beauty of body modifications, it’s connection to an enlightened state and the collective consciousness that directs my artistic intuition. My work is frequently identified by “other worldly” portraits of Evolved Modified individuals of all types, circle formations that reflects a form of communication and my three circle signature of Enlightenment.

The works are derived from an understanding that I myself and many others globally are Evolved and Enlightened Modified beings who are connected to a collective consciousness representing the future of human identity . The manner in which I express myself physically is described by many as eccentric and otherworldly. My 3 graduating circles form my signature and are notably seen on my forehead chakra. They represent my Enlighten and ascended state of being, 3 being the universal truth, and a collective consciousness we all share. The way I choose to artistically express myself is inspired by the culture of body modification. I find contemporary forms of body art such as facial/body tattooing, scarification, stretched earlobes, and other modifications to be characteristics of enlightened beings and beauty.

These elements of my personal interest inform my practice as an artist. The works are self-referential and an extension of my continued investigation visually and physically of the beyond.